Executors: Capitalizing on Strengths, Shoring Up Weak Spots

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The third change leader type is the Executer; she’s all about leading with the Hands. Instead of asking “Why?” or “Who?” the Executer’s first question tends to be “How?” […]

Executors, Part I

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The third change leader type is the Executer; she’s all about leading with the Hands. Chang leaders with an Executer style are, above all, task focused. They enjoy providing […]

Visionaries: Capitalizing on Strengths, Shoring Up Weak Spots

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The second change leader type is the Visionary, the primarily Head-focused leader. Change leaders who are Visionaries provide an invaluable service to their organizations: they prepare everyone to meet […]

Visionaries, Part I

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The second change leader type is the Visionary, the primarily Head-focused leader. The Visionary is a goal-directed change leader who puts the vision, mission, and objectives of a change […]

Coaches: Capitalizing on Strengths, Shoring Up Weak Spots

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The first change leader type is the Coach—and he’s all about Heart. When change leaders with a Coach style are at the forefront of a change initiative, people feel […]

Coaches, Part I

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The first change leader type is the Coach—and he’s all about Heart. If your change leader style is that of a Coach, you focus on people and how the […]

What’s Your CQ?

Head, Heart, or Hands—which do you tend to lead with? Each change leader has a basic tendency to lead with one of these, or some combination of the three. You probably have some sense of which is dominant in you. Is it: the Head—focusing on the big picture goal, the business objectives; the Heart—personally connecting […]

Leading with Your Heart, Head, and Hands

The CQ System—which enables change leaders to diagnose their change intelligence, equips them with developmental strategies, and shows them how to be powerful agents of transformation—all starts with the fact that each change leader has a basic tendency to lead with his or her Heart, Head, Hands, or some combination of the three. If you […]

What Is CQ?

When you hear the word change, is your first thought positive or negative? Are you filled with excitement and anticipation or with fear and loathing? We often assume that because we’re constantly bombarded with change in our professional and personal lives, we should know how to cope with it. We feel like we’ve been through […]