Ever since the opportunity was launched, I’ve received questions about the relevance and benefits of Change Intelligence/CQ Certification, for leaders themselves and also for their teams and organizations. The blog post below lists 10 reasons why you should in fact get CQ certified. These reasons are based on actual results and perspectives from previous CQ Certification Graduates who have completed the program – and illustrate several specific ways the program can grow your influence and impact.

And – let’s call this the “Top 11th Reason!” – you can receive ACMP and HRCI credits for your participation in the CQ Certification Program! (You may be able to obtain credits for other credentials as well – such as PMs, etc.)

Why should you get CQ Certified? Here are the top 10 reasons, and ways CQ can help you get real results for the clients, team, and organizations you serve – in the words of CQ Certification Graduates:

  1. “The Change Intelligence model is simple yet powerful. The change leaders I work with get Head, Heart, and Hands right away, and can put their insights immediately into practice.” – Change Management Consultant
  2. “I use the CQ Assessment to launch my new project teams. It’s a great way for people to get to know each other and their strengths, as well as potential blind spots.” – Project Manager
  3. “CQ training modules fit nicely into the Executive Education and MBA courses I teach. Change leadership has been a real gap in our program, and CQ fills a unique niche.” – University Instructor
  4. “Since becoming CQ Certified, I’ve landed two new clients that I would not have otherwise. CQ Certification provides me a distinctive credential that gets noticed and makes a difference in the marketplace.” – Leadership Development Consultant and Coach
  5. “Obtaining and sustaining sponsorship for change initiatives is a critical success factor in any project, and often a challenge. The CQ Assessment and tools help me coach executives and business leaders about their pivotal roles and get them back on track in the face of competing priorities.” – Program Manager
  6. “In healthcare we are constantly bombarded with change. Change Intelligence gives us a common language to talk about change up, down, and across our system. We’ve used it to integrate new community hospitals and physician practices.”           – Human Resources Director
  7. “For the executives I coach, leading change is a key success factor for their demanding jobs. The CQ Assessment laser-focuses on leading change, and is an excellent complement to other leadership assessments.” – Executive Coach
  8. “One of the first ways I used the CQ system was to turn-around a struggling project team. We were frustrated that we were not getting traction with the business, end user engagement was low, and there was friction on the team. The CQ process helped us diagnose the root cause of our challenges, enabled our team members to give and receive feedback to each other much less defensively, and helped us chart a more successful path forward.” – IT Project Manager
  9. “I received a ton more value from CQ Certification than I expected, way beyond the information available in the book alone. The CQ Toolkit gave me turnkey tools I immediately put into practice, from training agendas to PowerPoint decks to coaching action plans.” – Organizational Development Professional
  10. “CQ Certification really empowered me to use the CQ Assessment within my clients. Not only can I now purchase the assessment at half-price, but I can interpret the results with much more skill and savvy for the leaders I coach and teams I build.”      – Change Management Consultant and Coach

Sign up for the Change Intelligence (CQ) Virtual Certification Workshop starting October 9, 2015 here. The workshop is a 6-week course designed to help you take your ability to lead change to a whole new level.


If you have questions about how CQ Certification can accelerate your impact as a leader or if you are wondering whether the timing is right to pursue certification, please feel free to contact me directly by email at [email protected] or phone at 847.571.4387.