Change Lessons from “The Innovation Pipeline” at AT&T

I want to share a real-life example of an organization leading change intelligently to help you on your leadership journey. Through their process, “The Innovation Pipeline” (TIP), AT&T has been able to overcome abysmal 70% change failure rate and achieve continuous innovation.  Although it sounds too good to be true, let’s take a closer look […]

What Can Change Leaders Learn from Salespeople?

When you think of “sales” and “salespeople,” what words leap to mind?  While some have positive perceptions, many would respond with choices such as, “sly, slick, and smarmy”!  Regardless of your formal role or job title, we’re all in the business of sales and we’re all salespeople – whether we like it or not. This […]

Women’s Voices at Work

From Marissa Mayer’s high profile people-management decisions in her role as Yahoo’s CEO to Sheryl Sandberg’s provocative assertions in her  book Lean In, there continues to be a lot of debate about leadership and the sexes – and whether men and women lead differently. Although there’s some hype and “drama” surrounding this topic, it’s a […]

Consultant of the Year Award! – October 2015

I was thrilled and honored to be presented with the Change Management Consultant of the Year Award this month, during the first-ever Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) Midwest Chapter Conference.  In the words of John Barker, Chapter President (pictured with me): This award honors the change management practitioner who has contributed to the success […]

CQ + EQ: A Potent Combination for Leaders (and what it means for you)

Assuming you’re familiar with CQ, let’s take a step back and look at EQ.  When introducing the concept to clients for the first time, I often get a response such as, “we base our decisions on logic and facts – we don’t bring our emotions to work.”  Or, as one of my more colorful clients, […]

Do Men and Women Lead Change Differently?

The short answer is “yes.” Although in the U.S. women comprise half the workforce, earn the majority of college and post-graduate degrees, and own 40% of businesses, when we look at Fortune 500 companies, only 4% of CEOs and only 16% of Board Members are women. Yet, we also know from research by Catalyst, McKinsey, and […]

Timely Lessons from Change Leaders Around the World

Here are some of my favorite inspirational tidbits from remarkable change leaders around the world: “Think globally, act locally, panic internally” –(David Rock quoting another colleague)  I love this quote and I believe it so crisply captures the change leader conundrum – so many needs, so many opportunities, so much fear! So often, we focus […]

North Carolina, Ready to Learn Your CQ Style?

Will you be in or near Charlotte, NC on Tuesday, October 7th? I am excited to be partnering with the Synergistic Coach, Gerri Steadman when she hosts her “Learning Through Horses” workshop. Though the workshop itself is private, there will be a free reception that is open to the public from 5:30-7:30pm. At the reception, I […]

The CQ System Goes French

We were recently informed that the CQ system made an appearance in one of the main economic newspapers in France. Yves Cavarec, the author of the article, wrote an analysis of the failed June merging of two French rugby clubs. Without knowing details of the case, but using the CQ system, he determined that the […]