Why I am Optimistic for 2016

Watch the news and it’s easy to be cynical – wars, crime, disease, natural disasters.  And yet, is this the reality of modern life, or the interpretation of it that’s reported?  Considering violence, as Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker notes, “things really are getting better…..headlines are a poor guide to history. People’s sense of danger is […]

Does Leading Change Differ Across Cultures?

Although change is a universal challenge that we face as leaders, do styles of leading change show up differently across cultures?  What have we learned about leading change around the world – and what does it mean for you? When I started researching Change Leadership Styles from around the world as part of developing the […]

Your New Year’s Resolution: Time to Recalibrate?! – January 2016

Invest in yourself – make 2016 the year you take charge of change! Did you make a New Year’s Resolution for 2016? For those who did, unfortunately, 80% have already given up on their goal, before the calendar turns to February. How does this happen?  Habits are hard to break, but the science of habit formation […]

What’s YOUR Style of Leading Change?

What’s YOUR style of leading change? Knowing your CQ (Change Intelligence) style can make all the difference for your ability to influence others and overcome resistance to change! Just as each of us communicates, collaborates and handles conflict in our own unique ways, so do we each have our own style of leading change.  And, […]

Empathy: How it Can Help You Become a Better Change Leader

“I thought I came here today to learn more about myself, in order to help me do my job to manage change. What I really learned was empathy for other people, which will help me partner with others to lead change.” This revelation was shared by a Change Intelligence (CQ) workshop participant, and one that I’ve heard many […]

Crisis of Confidence? You Are Not Alone

“What is my goal for this coaching process? To have more self-confidence in myself as a leader. I know I’ve been successful in my career so far. But there are some huge challenges looming on the horizon. I’m not as sure of myself and my ability to lead at this next level.” Guess who said this to me? […]

Leadership Unplugged: Finding Solutions and Inspiration for Change Initiatives

A few years ago I put myself through a 360-degree feedback process in which I requested developmental input from peers, clients, staff, friends and family.  The strongest “needs improvement” area that emerged was “Work-Life Balance.”  Written-in comments indicated that people were not concerned that I neglected family or friends – but rather that I did […]

Be a Change Leader – Not “Just” a Change Manager!

Unfortunately, most change-based training programs focus exclusively on “Change Management” and exceedingly few on “Change Leadership.”  Change Management is the methods and tools of change: and these are critical to get the job done.  Yet, being savvy in deploying a Change Management Toolkit is best viewed as a baseline competency – what we need to […]

When It Comes to Change, Seeing Is Believing!

I was recently reminded of the truth of the old adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and why it’s so relevant for us as change leaders. By nature, I’m a rather left-brained, analytical person – and with my doctoral-degree academic training, early in my career I was the queen of dry, fact-based, death-by-PowerPoint […]

Is Organizational ADHD Derailing Your Change Project?

Sound familiar? “Here we go again – another program of the year!” “Another reorg – who’s my boss today?  And I’m expected to pick up the slack – again?!” “Our company slogan should be, ‘All swirl – no strategy’!” As an “organizational doctor,” when I hear clients vent such frustrations, I know they are symptoms […]