Deploying the Right Change Management Tools

Is there a difference between change leadership and change management? My answer is a resounding “Yes!” Change intelligence (CQ) is about diagnosing and developing your capacity to lead change—in other words, it’s about change leadership. Change management, on the other hand, is a set of techniques that you, the change leader, can apply to a […]

Applying CQ: Organizations

Both individuals and teams have a change style and level of change intelligence (CQ), and the same is true of every organization. Some companies thrive on change, responding deftly to new economies, technologies, and customer expectations, while others are slow to adapt, and still others fail to change effectively and thus die. Unfortunately, most companies […]

Applying CQ in Teams

A fundamental part of understanding CQ is understanding which type of change leader you are—a Coach, a Visionary, an Executer, a Champion, a Driver, a Facilitator, or an Adapter, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. When they learn about these types, most of my clients ask me […]

Adapters: Capitalizing on Strengths, Shoring Up Weak Spots

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The seventh and final change leader type is the Adapter, relies equally on all three. Adapters are role models for friendliness to change. When at their best, they emerge […]

Adapters, Part I

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The seventh and final change leader type is the Adapter, who relies equally on all three. Adapters exist at the crossroads between Head, Heart, and Hands. They have a […]

Facilitators: Capitalizing on Strengths, Shoring Up Weak Spots

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The sixth change leader type is the Facilitator, who has strong Heart and Hands capabilities. High-performance, high-participation organizations display constancy of vision and flexibility of approach. That’s good news […]

Facilitators, Part I

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The sixth change leader type is the Facilitator, who has strong Heart and Hands capabilities. Facilitators excel at Heart and Hands, and some say this is the best of […]

Drivers: Capitalizing on Strengths, Shoring Up Weak Spots

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The fifth change leader type is the Driver, who’s strong in both Head and Hands. In the classic business book In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters and Robert H. […]

Drivers, Part I

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The fifth change leader type is the Driver, who’s strong in both Head and Hands. Change leaders who are Drivers are all about results—they hunger to achieve the objectives […]

Champions: Capitalizing on Strengths, Shoring Up Weak Spots

We all tend to fit one of seven types of change leader, each of which indicates a different mix of leading with Head, Heart, or Hands. The fourth change leader type is the Champion, who leads with a combined strength in Head and Heart. Much of the change management literature highlights the importance of change […]